Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Counting how Kasa Boix has lasted through time

An architecture is a reflection of the expression and values of the people, on what they find important and how they show it in physical form. It shows the art, technology and possibilist during the time it was built and as it has surpassed through time. 

This is how our ancestors who are our family as a nation in our homeland which is our country, have built and developed our environment for the home of the next generation like us. 

Collective values gathered together become practice in lifestyle and becomes the culture of a group of people. Cult means practice. 

These values when passed on to another becomes heritage or inherited by another. It becomes what we have in our home, our country.

It is these matters that makes us unique for what we have and how we identify ourselves in a place. It is what makes others curious about us. It is something we can share and celebrate with other people of different values coming together with us to learn about each other and make those differences becomes shared values. By touring places and sharing subjects of interests, others tell us what they see and we learn to become more aware about ourselves, how we stand in our position in relation to others and society. We become self aware. At the same time, others learn about us and they become aware also. It is a way to bridge relations with others as we learn to appreciate each other. 

It is important that we share these lessons to the next generations and to other people so that they learn the beauty and hardship of great people that has made these forms of cultural heritage by conserving what we have or our current resources. 

Kasa Boix is a symbol and reminder of these important values that in times of doubt, we remember who we are, what we value, and what we have in our family, ancestors, home, our country. Casa means House. The letter K is a representation of the Filipino language, thus casa becomes Kasa. Most houses are just named after the surname of an owner significant through a certain period, thus Kasa Boix.

CIVIC Virtue and Service to the Humanity
Thinking, speaking, and acting on this even in little ways of promotion and appreciation puts forward to express what we believe in, who we have become, our values, and what we find important. So that others may benefit from the knowledge and awareness of what has been in the record and of history as development of the people. So that they may do the same in their own family, home, and country. 

Our heritage is intangible and tangible. Intangible are those like song, dance, poems. Tangible is those material items such as architecture, food, clothes, and artwork. Our ancestors made them as a form of expression and development of scientific knowledge to serve the public aligning to their needs and upliftment. It promotes enterprise and economy - supply and demand for our resources. 

Happy Anniversary! Celebrate and share these wonderful values! Sing! dance! rejoice in this wonderful milestone! 


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